Currently produced by Spectroflash are the ARINA and PAMIR pulsed X-ray generators, the MART constant potential X-ray generator, and the SIRENA crawler. In addition to that, the monoblock design PAMIR MONO system will be launched as a stock product in November 2020.
Pulsed Systems
Our pulsed X-ray systems include the ARINA and PAMIR series. Produced since the late 1980's, our ARINA series of flaw detectors have earned popularity for being easy to operate and maintain. The PAMIR series was developed as an improved version of the ARINA systems with extended continuous operation time. These are provided in voltage ratings of 200, 250 and 300 kV to enable selection of a proper tool for any required range of penetration thicknesses.
Constant Potential Systems
The MART series features two compact thermal emission X-ray generators for NDT: MART 200 and MART 250.
Best compatible with digital radiography systems:
- Constant potential X-ray radiation creates smooth images for all DR systems.
- Fast installation of a light weight and compact X-ray source maximizes testing productivity with DR
- Small focal spot provides high quality images for digital detector placed at some distance from the testing object.
The MART-250 uses a side-port X-ray tube for a solid angle coverage of about 50°, and the MART-200 has an end-port X-ray tube to cover 140° for panoramic imaging.
Wireless portable x-ray generators
This wireless X-ray generator includes an X-ray tube and a control board, effectively eliminating the need for a high voltage cable. The instrument is activated from a wireless pocket-size control panel.
SIRENA crowler
The SIRENA-5 X-ray crawler is designed to enable panoramic welding inspections of 530 mm to 1,020 mm diameter pipelines. The crawler package consists of a self-propelled trolley with a built-in rechargeable battery, the main X-ray generator, and a compact control unit for positioning the crawler inside a horizontal pipe section with an accuracy of ±10 mm.